Player webmaster posted a message on 12/09 11:54 on the MadLotto Forum: New Pyramid PHARAOH. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  10 16 19 37 39 49  : Winners : 699 

Subject :  New Pyramid PHARAOH
12/09/2017 11:54:59

Hello everyone,

Holidays are over, it's back to school so to try to make you smile again we divided by 2 the number of squares on the Pharaoh Pyramid :)

So even more chance to win the Loot and have access to the Pharaohs' tomb, don't hesitate

to Have a Look rediscoverHave a Look by trying your luck on this new Pyramid.

The Web

13/09/2017 00:17:18

you have divided for a change....

Date of message edition 13/09/2017 11:24:17

12/09/2017 12:14:17

Hello, thank you for this information Boulou46

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